

Serdar Balcı

Pathology of Atherosclerosis

Serdar BALCI, MD



Intimal atheromas (atherosclerotic, atheromatous plaques)

Lipid core, necrotic debris, fibrous cap

Obstruct lumen

Prone to rupture




Robbins Basic Pathology

Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Postmenopausal woman

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Immune complex


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Vascular injury

Endothelial cell loss or dysfunction

Stimulates smooth muscle cell growth and associated matrix synthesis

Migration of smooth muscle cells or smooth muscle cell precursor cells into the intima.

These cells proliferate, and synthesize ECM similar to fibroblasts fill in a wound

Form a neointima, covered by an intact endothelial cell layer

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Neointimal smooth muscle cells

After endothelial layer is restored

No more muscle proliferation

Thickened neointima stays

Recurrent injury, recurrent thickening

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Accumulation of lipoproteins (mainly oxidized LDL and cholesterol crystals) in the vessel wall

Platelet adhesion

Monocyte adhesion to the endothelium, migration into the intima

Differentiation into macrophages and foam cells

Smooth muscle from media or circulating precursors

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Robbins Basic Pathology

Lipid accumulation within macrophages

Release inflammatory cytokines

Smooth muscle cell recruitment from activated platelets, macrophages, and vascular wall cells

Smooth muscle cell proliferation and ECM production

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Hemodynamic Disturbances


Increased LDL cholesterol levels

Decreased HDL cholesterol levels

Increased levels of lipoprotein(a)


Chronic hyperlipidemia hypercholesterolemia


Fatty streaks

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Robbins Basic Pathology

Atherosclerotic Plaque

Intimal thickening and lipid accumulation

White to yellow raised lesions

Range from 0.3-1.5 cm, coalesce to form larger masses

Thrombus may superimpose, red-brown color

Patchy, involve a portion of arterial wall, eccentric

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Robbins Basic Pathology

Atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary artery. fibrous cap and a central necrotic (largely lipid) core

Lumen narrowed

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internal and external elastic membranes are attenuated

media of the artery is thinned under the most advanced plaque

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junction of the fibrous cap and core

inflammatory cells, calcification neovascularization

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Clinical complications of atherosclerosis

Rupture, ulceration, erosion

Hemorrhage into plaque


Aneurysm formation

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Atherosclerotic Stenosis

Acute Plaque Change

**Plaque erosion or rupture **


Partial or complete vascular obstruction

Tissue infarction

Plaque changes:

Rupture/fissuring, exposing highly thrombogenic plaque constituents

Erosion/ulceration, exposing the thrombogenic subendothelial basement membrane to blood

Hemorrhage into the atheroma, expanding its volume

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Vulnerable plaques

Large numbers of foam cells

Abundant extracellular lipid

Few smooth muscle cells

Clusters of inflammatory cells

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True aneurysm, saccular type

Wall bulges outward and may be attenuated but is otherwise intact.

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True aneurysm, fusiform type.

There is circumferential dilation of the vessel.

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False aneurysm

Wall is ruptured, creating a collection of blood (hematoma) bounded externally by adherent extravascular tissues

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Dissection. Blood has entered the wall of the vessel and separated (dissected) the layers.

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Cystic medial degeneration

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Causes of Aneurysms

Hypertension and Marfan in ascending aortic aneurysms

Atherosclerosis in abdominal aortic aneurysms



Congenital defects


Mycotic aneurysms

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Typically occur between the renal arteries and the aortic bifurcation

Saccular or fusiform

Up to 15 cm in diameter and 25 cm in length

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Aortic Dissection

Blood divides apart the laminar planes of the media

Form a blood-filled channel within the aortic wall

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B: Histologic preparation showing the dissection and intramural hematoma (asterisk). Aortic elastic layers are black and blood is red in this section, stained with the Movat stain

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Cardiac tamponade

Rupture into pleural, peritoneal cavity

Compress coronary arteries

Re-enter aorta, covered with endothelium

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Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

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