

Serdar Balcı

The Mechanisms of Cell Death

Serdar BALCI, MD

Wheater’s Basic Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review of Histopathology , Fifth Edition

Wheater’s Basic Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review of Histopathology , Fifth Edition

Cell necrosis Liver

Wheater’s Basic Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review of Histopathology , Fifth Edition

Wheater’s Basic Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review of Histopathology , Fifth Edition

Cell necrosis Renal cortex


Core Pathology , Third Edition


Apoptosis (falling off)

A pathway of cell death

**Cells activate enzymes **

The enzymes degrade the cells’ own nuclear DNA and nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins

Fragments break off the cell


Apoptosis Early stage

Wheater’s Basic Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review of Histopathology , Fifth Edition

Apoptosis Late stage

Wheater’s Basic Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review of Histopathology , Fifth Edition

Factors controlling apoptosis

Causes of Apoptosis



Physiologic Causes of Apoptosis

Pathologic Causes of Apoptosis

When cell DNA changes beyond repair

It is a controlled death to avoid further damage in the cell/tissue/organism

Pathologic Causes of Apoptosis DNA damage

Pathologic Causes of Apoptosis Misfolded proteins

Misfolded proteins accumulate in ER

Induces apoptosis

Pathologic Causes of Apoptosis Viruses

Adenovirus and HIV induces cell death

Viral hepatitis leads to host defense which then induces cell death

Pathologic Causes of Apoptosis Pathologic Atrophy

Chromatin condensation and aggregation


fragmentation of DNA into nucleosome-sized pieces

cells rapidly shrink

form cytoplasmic buds

fragment into apoptotic bodies

Apoptotic bodies:

membrane-bound vesicles of cytosol and organelles

Core Pathology , Third Edition

**Mechanism of apoptosis depends on ** caspase **enzymes via ** two pathways

**There is a ** balance __ btw pro and anti-apoptotic signals__

The Mitochondrial (Intrinsic) Pathway of Apoptosis

Mitochondria contain several proteins that are capable of inducing apoptosis

The Death Receptor (Extrinsic) Pathway of Apoptosis

Ligand binding

clustering of receptor molecules on the cell surface

initiation of a signal transduction cascade

activation of caspases

Fas ligand expressed mainly on activated T lymphocytes

A caspase antagonist FLIP, block activation of caspases downstream of death receptors

Some viruses produce homologues of FLIP to keep infected cells alive

Activation and Function of Caspases

Clearance of Apoptotic Cells

No membrane damage

The content does not leak out

No inflammation is present

Apoptosis and Necrosis may occur together


Growth Factor Deprivation

DNA Damage

Accumulation of Misfolded Proteins ER Stress

Apoptosis of Self-Reactive Lymphocytes

Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte–Mediated Apoptosis



Shares aspects of both necrosis and apoptosis

Triggered by ligation of TNFR1, and viral proteins of RNA and DNA viruses

caspase-independent but dependent on signaling by the RIP1 and RIP3 complex

RIP1-RIP3 signaling reduces mitochondrial ATP generation

Production of ROS

Permeabilizes lysosomal membranes

Cellular swelling and membrane damage

Release of cellular contents evokes an inflammatory reaction as in necrosis



Autophagy: self-eating

Intracellular organelles and portions of cytosol are sequestered within an autophagic vacuole

The vacuole fuses with lysosomes to form an autophagolysosome

**Lysosomal enzymes digest the cellular components. **

Autophagy may also signal cell death by apoptosis.